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Randy Leblanc

Randy was diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease in 2005 at age 45. He is a Co-Director of CAPAC and is a member of the Outreach, Grants, Exercise and Art Gala teams. As needed, he participates in the other CAPAC teams. He is the Community Action Committee Leader for the Louisiana branch of the Davis Phinney Foundation and a member of the Southeast Region Parkinson’s Foundation – Grants Approval Committee. He is a member of and was the speaker for the 2022 International Conference for International Neuro Palliative Care Society (INPCS). 

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Benjamin (BJ) Bement

B.J., diagnosed in 2013 at age 44, is a Co-director of CAPAC. He is also the Chairman of the Moving Day Team and Art Gala Team. He is a willing participant of any activity that brings persons with Parkinson’s and care partners together. He serves on the Parkinson’s Foundation’s Advisory Council and is an Advisory Council member of the Young Onset Parkinson’s Network (YOPN). He also serves as part of the community outreach for

Jan M. Hondzinski, Ph.D.

Jan, Professor, School of Kinesiology at Louisiana State University, is involved in research to improve training regimes and expand rehabilitation strategies for individuals with neurological deficits due to normal aging as well as with Parkinson’s Disease. She is the Chairman of the annual Louisiana Parkinson’s Conference and the Director of the LSU Modified Tai Chi program for older adults, including people with Parkinson’s Disease. She is a member of CAPAC’s Parkinson's Disease Studies Team and assists with the Grant Team.

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Sally Palmer

Sally, diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2005, is the Coordinator of the Baton Rouge Parkinson’s Disease Support Group that meets at Bluebonnet Library.  She is a CAPAC member at large and member of the Events Team.

Billy and Rose McInroy

Billy was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2021. He is a member of the Events and Tabling Team and the Art Gala Team. Rose, Billy's care partner, is also a member of the Events and Tabling Team and the Art Gala Team.

Carmen Higgins 

Carmen has been care partner to her husband since his Parkinson’s diagnosis in 2013. She is an administrator of the CAPAC Facebook page, administrator of the CAPAC website, a member of the Communications Team and the Financial Oversite Committee. As needed, she assists with other teams. Carmen also manages the email communications and Facebook Page for the Movers and Shakers of Baton Rouge, a local support group for people with Parkinson's Disease, is in the Ambassador Program of Davis Phinney, and is a member of the Committee initiating Neuropalliative Care for Newly Diagnosed patients with Parkinson's Disease.

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